Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Win More Customers with Better Email Practices

by Sue Hershkowitz-Coore, Sep. 15, 2011, SellingPower

If you were to walk into the grocery store wearing clothing on just the top half of your body, two things would happen: 1) You'd call attention to yourself (in a really distracting way), and 2) you'd get escorted out of the store (without the chips and beer).
Emailing is just like that. If you send sales messages without attending to certain important guidelines, you become a distraction to your own success. These eight tips from my just-released second edition of Power Sales Writing (McGraw-Hill, 2011) will help your prospects and customers see you as appropriately dressed and ready to earn their business. Your respectful attention to detail will help them feel comfortable and confident in choosing to do business with you...... Read more